
面向多视点视频编码的宏块级码率控制 被引量:3

Macroblock Layer Rate Control in Multi-view Video Coding
摘要 联合视频专家组针对多视点视频编码提出了JMVM参考模型,但该模型没有给出有效的码率控制方案.该文提出一种多视点视频编码码率控制算法,分4层进行比特分配和码率控制.先根据相关性函数在视点间合理分配码率实现GOP(group of pictures)层的比特分配,然后根据分层B图像比特分配策略实现帧层的比特分配,最后根据拉普拉斯率失真模型实现宏块层的码率控制.与JMVC 1.0相比,该算法能在保持图像质量的前提下进行精确的比特分配和码率控制. Joint video team (JVT) proposed joint multi-view video model (JMVM) for multi-view video coding (MVC). However, the model does not provide an efficient rate control scheme. In this paper, a new rate control algorithm for multi-view video coding is proposed, which consists of four levels for more accurate bits rate control. In a GOP level, it implements reasonable bit allocation among views based on correlation function. In the frame level, it performs bit allocation based on the hierarchical B-picture bit allocation method. In the MB level, rate control is activated to provide more accurate rate control based on the Laplacian rate-distortion model. Compared to JMVC 1.0 with a fixed quantization parameter, the proposed algorithm achieves better accurate rate control and higher image quality.
出处 《应用科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第5期502-507,共6页 Journal of Applied Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金(No.60832003 No.60672052) 上海市教委重点项目基金(No.09ZZ90) 上海市经委产学研示范工程基金(No.07-040C)资助项目
关键词 多视点视频编码 码率控制 分层B图像比特分配 拉普拉斯率失真模型 相关性函数 multi-view video coding, rate control, hierarchical B-picture bit allocation, Laplacian rate-distortion model, correlation function
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