
吡啶氯化氨基树脂对铜离子的吸附研究 被引量:1

Study on Removal of Copper Ion With Pyridine Amino Resin
摘要 采用悬浮法合成了高选择性的吡啶氯化氨基树脂,并通过吸附铜离子实验评价其吸附性能。分别考察了pH、树脂用量、铜初始浓度、接触时间等因素对树脂吸附效果的影响。并与市售的其他吸附剂对比,结果表明合成的树脂能有效去除废水中的Cu2+。 Pyridine amino resin of high selective absorption for copper ion was synthesized by the suspension method, and its absorption properties were evaluated by absorption experiment of copper ion. Effects of pH, amount of resin, initial concentration of copper ion and contact time on adsorption were studied. The results show that the synthesized resin can effectively remove copper ion in waste water by comparing with other adsorbents saled in market.
出处 《辽宁化工》 CAS 2009年第9期597-600,共4页 Liaoning Chemical Industry
关键词 吡啶氯化氨基树脂 吸附 CU2+ Pyridine amino resin Adsorption Cu^2+
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