
乔伊斯与爱尔兰宗教传统关系研究 被引量:2

Study on Joyce and Ireland's Religious Tradition
摘要 爱尔兰大多数人信奉天主教。宗教在爱尔兰的社会生活中扮演着重要角色。乔伊斯从小接受耶稣会士的教育,深受宗教的影响和熏陶,但同时他也继承了家族的传统:反教和叛逆。乔伊斯对宗教的态度始终是暧昧的。在接受与拒绝、崇拜和嘲弄间,乔伊斯逐渐从宗教走向世俗,转而成为艺术的使徒。从灵性生活到世俗生活再到艺术生活,乔伊斯的戏剧人生始终与宗教传统息息相关、密不可分。 Most Irish are Catholics. Religion plays an important role in Irish social lives. Joyce was educated by the Jesuits from his childhood. He was under the influence of religion. However, he inherited the tradition of his family: anti - religion and rebellion. Joyce' s attitude to religion is ambiguous. He turned his mind from religion to secularity step by step, at last, became a priest of art. Joyce has a strong relation with religious tradition in his spiritual and secular and artistic life.
作者 赫云
出处 《大连大学学报》 2009年第5期72-75,共4页 Journal of Dalian University
基金 辽宁省哲学社会科学规划基金项目(L08DWW018)"后现代主义与中国当代文学研究"成果
关键词 乔伊斯 爱尔兰 宗教 传统 Joyce Ireland Religion Tradition
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