
个体因素对核能公众接受性的影响分析 被引量:2

Analysis of the Individual Factors that Influence the Public Acceptance of Nuclear Energy
摘要 核能发展的历史经验表明,公众接受程度会影响核电事业的发展。文中主要研究影响核能公众接受性的个体因素,并在考虑传统个体因素的基础上拓展个体因素的概念。根据心理学相关知识对影响核能公众接受性的各种个体因素进行分析并设计“核能公众接受性调查问卷”,对问卷统计结果使用SPSS多元回归分析程序建立核能接受性的数量模型,确定了影响核能公众接受性的主要个体因素及其影响力的大小,并提出相应的提高我国核能公众接受性的策略和建议。 The development of nuclear energy could be affected by the public acceptance, while there are many factors that influence the public acceptance. This paper focuses on the research of the individual factors that influence the public acceptance, expands the concept of "individual factors" on the basis of traditional sense of individual factors and analyzes all kinds of individual factors that affect the public acceptance based on psychology knowledge. According to the results of a questionnaire on public acceptance of nuclear energy designed by the author, we can establish a quantitative model for the public acceptance and determine the main individual factors that have influence on the public acceptance. Corresponding strategies and proposals to increase public acceptance of nuclear energy for China are also brought up.
出处 《核电工程与技术》 2009年第3期42-49,共8页 Nuclear Power Engineering and Technology
关键词 核能 公众接受性 个体因素 数量模型 贡献因子 策略建议 nuclear energy public acceptance individual factors quantitative model contribution factor strategy and proposal
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