以典型农牧工矿交错区的榆林市为研究对象,基于遥感和GIS技术获取3期土地利用动态数据,分析评价了该地区近14年土地利用变化、成因以及所引起的土地生态系统服务价值的变化。结果表明:1988、1999、2002年,榆林市土地利用结构发生了巨大的变化。除牧草地和建设用地持续增加外,其他的土地利用类型均出现不同程度的减少,其中耕地面积减少最多,减少量为352 350 hm2,其次是未利用土地,减少285 765 hm2;减少面积最小的是水域。引起土地利用变化的主要原因是在自然环境背景下人为因素影响的结果,尤其是政策方面的影响尤为突出。该地区生态系统服务价值从1988年的150.65亿元增加到2002年的171.99亿元,增加了21.34亿元,这表明该区生态环境质量整体在提高。各生态系统服务类型中废物处理和水分供应的价值最大,对区域发展起着至关重要的作用。
Based on the 3 period data(1988,1999 and 2002)of land use change of Yulin district,which belongs to a farming pasturing ecotone and is characterized by the diversity,complexity and vulnerability of ecological environment form,this paper analyzes the dynamic change of the ecosystem service values.The results show that the land use structure has been significantly changed from 1988 to 2002,land type reduced most is the farmlands,which reduced by 352 350 hm2;the second is original lands,which reduced by 285 76hm^2 , the least is waterarea. The calculated result shows that the values of ecosystem services were 150.65 × 10^8 Yuan and 171.99 × 10^8 Yuan in 1988 and 2002 respectively, and the value of ecosystem services was increased by 21.34 × 10^8 Yuan in 2002 than that in 1988, which reveals that the ecological environment quality is currently improved in general.
Journal of Earth Sciences and Environment