
外源激素对体外培养家蚕造血器官造血功能的影响 被引量:1

Influence of Exogenous Hormones on the Hematopoiesis of in vitro Cultured Hematopoietic Organs in the Silkworm,Bombyx mori
摘要 采用已建立的家蚕(Bombyx mori)造血器官(HPO)体外培养系统,研究了2种蜕皮激素ecdysone和20-hydroxyecdysone(20E)以及保幼激素类似物methoprene对体外培养的家蚕HPO造血功能的调节作用。添加0.005-0.5μg/mL20E可促进5龄第2天幼虫(V-2)HPO的血细胞增殖和释放,但会抑制熟蚕开始时期(W-0)HPO的血细胞增殖和释放;添加低浓度(0.036 5μg/mL)ecdysone可以促进V-2和W-0期HPO的血细胞增殖及释放,高浓度(0.365-3.650μg/mL)ecdysone对血细胞增殖无促进作用,但有促进血细胞释放作用;添加低浓度(2μg/mL)methoprene不会阻止HPO的血细胞增殖,但抑制血细胞的释放,高浓度(20-200μg/mL)methoprene可抑制HPO的血细胞增殖和释放。此外,0.036 5μg/mL ecdysone与2μg/mL methoprene共同处理时,ecdysone可以掩盖methoprene抑制血细胞释放的作用。研究结果表明,ecdysone和20E对家蚕HPO的造血功能起促进作用,而methoprene则起抑制作用,ecdysone可以拮抗methoprene抑制血细胞释放的作用。 In this paper,we utilized the previously established hematopoietic organ(HPO) culture system to study the influence of 2 ecdysteroids: ecdysone and 20-hydroxyecdysone(20E) and a juvenile hormone analog methoprene on the hematopoiesis of in vitro cultured HPOs.Our results showed that 0.005~0.5 μg/mL 20E induced cell proliferation in the organs as well as cell releasing from the organs dissected from larvae on day 2 of 5th instar(V-2) silkworm.On the contrary,this ecdysteroid at the same doses inhibited hemocyte proliferation and releasing of HPOs from day 0 of wandering stage(W-0) larvae.Ecdysone induced hemocyte proliferation in the HPOs as well as cell releasing at a low concentration(0.036 5 μg/mL).However,there was no promotion on cell proliferation in the HPOs but promotion on cell releasing from the organs when the concentration of ecdysone was increased to 0.365~3.650 μg/mL.Low concentration of methoprene(2 μg/mL) did not inhibit cell proliferation but inhibit cell releasing.High concentration of methoprene(20~200 μg/mL) inhibited cell proliferation in the organs as well as cell releasing from the organs.When the ecdysone and methoprene were added to the culture system at the same time,ecdysone could counteract the influence of methoprene on the in vitro cultured HPOs.In one word,ecdysone and 20E have enhancing but methoprene has an inhibitive influence on the hematopoiesis in vitro.Ecdysone generally counteracts the inhibition effect induced by methopene on the hematopoiesis in vitro to some degree.
出处 《蚕业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期562-568,共7页 ACTA SERICOLOGICA SINICA
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划"863"项目(编号2006AA10A-119) 国家重大基础性研究计划"973"项目(编号2007-CB513107)
关键词 家蚕 造血器官 组织培养 血细胞 激素调节 Bombyx mori Hematopoietic organ Tissue culture Hemocyte Hormone regulation
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