
电子商务中在线信用分的集结方法及个性化推荐研究 被引量:9

Research on the Online Reputation Aggregating Approaches and the Customized Recommendation
摘要 电子商务的飞速发展改变了人们传统的购物模式,目前网上商家的信用主要通过在线信誉管理系统的信用评分体现出来。本文考虑交易的时间及价值因素,利用加权平均法改进目前许多网站使用的在线信用分集结方法,并把这种方法与网站的推荐功能相结合,从而使得在线信用分更具参考价值。 With the rapid development of electronic commerce, people's traditional purchasing mode has been changed. At present, a seller' s reputation is embodied by the online reputation score in the reputation management system. In this paper, considering the tittle and the value of the transaction, we use the method of weighted average to improve the existing online reputation aggregating approaches used in the websites. Afterwards, this approach is combined with the recommending function of a website, so as to make the online reputation score more useful.
出处 《预测》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第5期55-58,64,共5页 Forecasting
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(70572068)
关键词 电子商务 在线信誉管理系统 信用分集结方法 推荐功能 electronic commerce online reputation management system reputation score aggregating approach recom-mending function
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