

Analysis of the bridging reference in listening comprehension
摘要 本文在详细介绍"意想焦点法"、建立框架联想依据事实信息证据进行语用推理三种语用照应推断方法的基础上,对于听力理解中的语用照应进行了实例分析,从而指出了解上下文中的语用照应关系,对于领会听力材料的内涵,培养和提高学生的推理能力和交际能力有重要的促进作用。最后阐述了其对大学英语听力教学的一些启示。 Based on the introduction of expected focus algorithm, framed-based association and pragmatic inference, the present paper analyses some examples of bridging reference in listening comprehension and points out that finding out the referential relation can help students understand the listening materials deeply and improve their inferential competence and communicative competence. Furthermore, the author discusses some implication for English listening teaching.
机构地区 河南科技学院
出处 《河南科技学院学报》 2009年第3期142-144,共3页 Journal of Henan Institute of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)
关键词 语用照应 听力理解 意想焦点法 框架联想 语用推理 bridging reference listening comprehension expected focus algorithm framed -based association pragmatic inference
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