
储层构型分析法研究现状与展望 被引量:3

Current Situation and Prospect in Reservoir Architectural Element Analysis
摘要 本文概括论述了20多年来储层构型分析法的重大研究进展:从对野外露头和现代沉积的研究逐渐转入到对地下储层的分析;从简单的露头剖面测量到多种新技术、新手段的应用;储层构型分析法与其它分析方法相结合;从对河流沉积体系的研究逐渐应用到其它冲积沉积体系中去,但目前仍以河流沉积研究为主,以曲流河点砂坝研究最多。最后,本文指出了储层构型分析法存在的问题以及发展趋势。 This paper focuses on reviewing four important achievements of reservoir architectural element analysis during more than 20 years, i.e. research from outcrop to subsurface reservoir, from simple outcrop profile research to applications of various methods and techniques, evolution with other methods and from fluvial sedimentary system, paticularly the point--bar in meandering river, to other alluvial systems. The problems and developing tendency are also reviewed at the end of the paper.
出处 《内蒙古石油化工》 CAS 2009年第17期111-114,共4页 Inner Mongolia Petrochemical Industry
关键词 储层构型分析法 储层非均质性 河流相 地下储层 Reservoir Architectural Element Analysis Reservoir Heterogeneity Fluvial Faeies Subsurface Reservoir
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