
膏体推进剂模拟液直圆管流动特性 被引量:5

Pasty propellant simulacrum flow characteristics in straight round pipe
摘要 管道流动特性研究对膏体推进剂供给系统设计具有重要意义。根据非牛顿流体幂律模型,在无壁滑移条件下,分别建立了膏体推进剂模拟液直圆管流动的理论及数值计算模型,并通过丁羟管道流动试验验证了理论模型的准确性。研究得到了膏体推进剂模拟液在直圆管中流动的压降随管径及入口速度变化的情况,并分析了压降的影响因素和幂律指数对管内流速曲线的影响。结果表明,膏体推进剂模拟液在直圆管中压降随管径增大而减小,随入口速度增大而增大。 The pipeline flow characteristics research is of very important meaning for pasty propellant rocket motor supply system design. Based on power law model of non-Newtonian fluid without wall slip, theoretical model and simulation model of pasty propellant in straight round pipe were developed. And the theoretical model was proved to be accurate by the HTPB pipeline flow test. Variation of the pasty propellant simulacrum pressure drop influenced by the caliber and inlet velocity was achieved. The impact factors of the pressure drop and the influence, brought by power law index, on velocity curve were analyzed. The result shows that the pressure drop of pasty propellant flow in the straight round pipe increases along with the decrease of caliber, and the increase of inlet velocity.
出处 《固体火箭技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期439-442,共4页 Journal of Solid Rocket Technology
基金 国防基础科研项目(A2620061135)
关键词 膏体推进剂 直圆管 流动特性 幂律流体 pasty propellant straight round pipe flow characteristics power law fluid
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