
艾丽丝·沃克及其妇女主义思想 被引量:7

Alice Walker and her "Womanism"
摘要 突显了艾丽丝.沃克最为独特的女性主义观——公开反对美国社会对黑人女性作家的性别歧视,勇敢面对她的跨族婚姻和同性恋所带来的各种种族威胁和社会争议。尤其是她弃用"女性主义(feminism)"的传统字眼,而创造了"妇女主义(womanism)"来阐述她的女性主义见解。沃克的"妇女主义"作品充分描述了黑人女性在美国社会的奋斗抗争、谋求独立平等的历程,使美国黑人妇女恢复和重建了身份意识和自我价值,并将反性别主义、种族主义和阶级歧视三个任务统一起来。她的"妇女主义"理论主张建立姐妹情谊和女性联盟,并团结黑人男性,丰富了女性主义的思想内涵和斗争方式,也为美国女性主义运动、美国女性文学批评提供了一个全新的理论视角。 This paper protrudes Alice Walker's unique womanist outlook--she openly opposes the sexism against black women writers imposed by American society and faces up to racist threats and social controversies resulting from her inter--racial marriage and later homosexual affair. Especially, instead of using the traditional word "feminism", she coins "womanism" to elaborate on her feminist views. Alice Walker's "womanist" works give a full description of black women's struggling for survival and for being independent and equal in American society,restore and reestablish the sense of identity and self--value in black women,and unite the three "womanist" tasks of ending sexism,racism and classism. Her theory of "womanism", which advocates sisterhood, woman-bonding and unity with black men, enriches the connotation of feminism and ways of fighting,and provides a brand--new angle of view for American feminist movement as well as its feminist literary criticism.
作者 肖志清
出处 《辽宁工程技术大学学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第5期540-544,共5页 Journal of Liaoning Technical University(Social Science Edition)
关键词 艾丽丝·沃克 非裔美国女作家 女性主义 妇女主义 Alice Walker African American woman writer feminism womanism
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