Abstract Xiaozhi Hugan capsule is composed of Alisol hawthorn fruit,fresh scutellaria root, cao Jumin,red peony root,curcuma root,bupleurum root,lysimachia.In the clinical observation,after the incomplete random comparison with the Dongbao Gantai group.The results showed that TC and TG of two groups decreased and HDL ch of both groups increased,the TC and TG reducing effecf of therapeutic grorp were remarkably higher than that of the controlled group ( P <0 01).The animal experiment showed that either larger or little dose of the medicine could increase the blood serum HDL C level,could remarkably decrease TC,and TG and the descending extent was higher than that of the controllcd group The descending hepatohomogenate triglyceride level was not significantly different from that of the controlled group The result suggests that the hyperlipemia has positive correlation with the whole blood viscosity, and the medicine has the effect of descending the whole blood viscosity,in addition to descend the blood fat.
Henan Traditional Chinese Medicine