
直接在金属基片上生长超长宏观定向纳米碳纤维 被引量:2

Growth of Ultra-Long and Macro-Aligned Carbon Nanofibers on Nickel Substrate
摘要 在水辅助氧化作用下,我们直接在金属镍片上生长出宏观上定向生长的纳米碳纤维,其长度达到5mm,经扫描电子显微镜和透射电子显微镜观察其为非晶态的螺旋状纳米碳纤维,直径在100nm-200nm,测试其场发射特性,开启场强为1.6V.μm-1,最大发射电流密度可达6mA.cm-2. The uhra-long,5mm,and macro-aligned carbon nanofibers were directly grown by water-assisted oxidation on nickel substrates. The influence of the growth conditions on the quality of the carbon fiber was studied. The microstrucures and field emission properties of the carbon fiber were characterized with scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and field emission spectroscopy (FEM). The results show that the macro-aligned,ultra long, helix-shaped carbon fibers were found to be amorphous with a diameter ranging from 100nm to 200nm. The onset field was as low as 1.6μm, and the maximum field emission current density was found to be as high as 6mA·cm^-2.
出处 《真空科学与技术学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第5期562-564,共3页 Chinese Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology
关键词 纳米碳纤维 超长 螺旋状 场发射 Carbon nanofibers, Ultra-long, Helical, Field emission
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