

Study on Design Parameters of Task Air Conditioning Systems Based on Thermal Comfort
摘要 主要通过CFD模拟计算,分析送风温度、背景温度对室内热环境的影响,得出个体空调系统设计的参考参数。通过对温度场和室内PMV值进行对比分析得出:当背景温度为28,送风温度为23时,具有良好的热舒适性。背景温度对个体空调系统热舒适性影响较大。个体空调系统送风设计参数建议:背景温度上限为30,高于28的背景温度时,采用最低21的送风温度,低于28的背景温度下,送风温度应介于21与等温送风之间。 Simulates the temperature and PMV distribution of occupant zone by CFD to gain design parameters for reference in task air conditioning systems. The results show that the occupant zone has a good thermal comfort, when the background temperature is 28℃ and supply air temperature is 23℃. Background temperature has a great impact on the thermal comfort of task air conditioning systems. Suggestions on design parameters of the supply air in task air condition- ing systems: the maximum temperature of background temperature is 30~C; when the background temperature is higher than 28℃, using a minimum supply air temperature of 21℃; the supply air temperature should be between 21℃ and the isotherm supply air temperature, when the background temperature is lower than28℃.
出处 《洁净与空调技术》 2009年第3期47-50,共4页 Contamination Control & Air-Conditioning Technology
基金 上海理工大学曼恒创新基金项目
关键词 设计参数 个体空调 热舒适 Design Parameters Task Air Conditioning Systems Thermal Comfort
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