

New Chord Model Design
摘要 Chord是一种比较成功的结构化P2P路由算法.但是Chord算法没有考虑到逻辑覆盖网络与真实网络的差别,致使查询延时很大.因此提出一种新的Chord模型,把Chord环分为inter Chord和intra Chord,节点通过广播的方式选择是加入到in-tra Chord中还是加入到inter Chord中,使物理上邻近的节点在逻辑覆盖网中也相邻,从而达到提高查询延时的目的,也使Chord网络中路由表的数量有所减少,并提高系统的稳定性. Chord is a kind of simple load balancing algorithm and it is also a successful P2P routing algorithm. But it does not care about the difference between of logic overlay network and physical network, and its query latency stretch is very big. A new Chord model is proposed, it divided Chord into inter Chord and intra Chord,the node joins inter Chord or intra Chord via broadcasting. This modle can reduce the latency , routing tables and improve the system stability.
出处 《小型微型计算机系统》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第10期1968-1971,共4页 Journal of Chinese Computer Systems
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(60503055)资助 黑龙江博士后科研启动基金项目(323630217)资助
关键词 P2P INTER CHORD INTRA CHORD BROADCASTING P2P inter chord intra chord broadcasting
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