
乔治·勒费弗尔法国革命史研究述论 被引量:1

On Lefebvre's Contributions to the French Revolution History
摘要 乔治.勒费弗尔对法国革命史学的贡献可以说是全方位的:研究法国大革命期间农民的专门性著作,使他成为"自下"研究历史的先驱;他的综合性著作,发展出一套完整的社会经济和阶级斗争解释体系,成为至今仍然拥有强大影响力的大革命经典解释;他还是法国史学界倡导研究社会经济史和大众心理的先驱。而且,作为一名亲共和的左派,勒费弗尔将自己对共和的热爱倾注于他的学术研究中。尤其是随着1930年代纳粹和法国右翼势力的兴起,他走出历史为自己的时代呐喊,期望以此唤醒法兰西的公共精神,重扬大革命时代的民主理想和牺牲精神。分析勒费弗尔的学术人生,能够看到大革命传统对20世纪法国知识分子思想至深至远的影响。 Lefebvre made multi - contributions to the French Revolution history. Owing to his specialized works on the peasants during the French Revolution, he became a pioneer in the study of history “from below” ; from his works of various subject matters on the French Revolution the scholars developed a complete system of interpretation of social economy and class struggle, which has been capable of interpretating classical works on the Revolution and remained influential up to now. He also was one of the pioneers in France who energetically advocated studying the history of social economy and common people' s psychology. Mo- reover, as a pro - republican of the left wing, Lefebvre poured his love of the Republic into his scholarly studies. Particularly with the rise of Nazi and French rightists in 1930s, he stepped out of historical past to appeal to his own times, yearning for a- wakening the public spirit of France and rekindling the democratic ideal and the spirit of sacrifice in the Revolution. Reviewing Lefebvre' s scholarly career enables us to see the enormous and profound influence of the traditions of the Revolution upon the intellectuals of France in the 20th century.
作者 洪庆明
出处 《上海师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第5期53-61,共9页 Journal of Shanghai Normal University(Philosophy & Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 法国大革命 农民革命 集体心理 共和左派 勒费弗尔 Lefebvre, the French Revolution, peasant revolution, collective mentality, pro - republican leftist
  • 相关文献


  • 1Peter M. Jones. Georges Lefebvre and the Peasant Revolution :Fifty Years On[J]. French Historical Studies, Vol. 16, No. 3, ( Spring, 1990).
  • 2Georges Lefebvre. Les paysans du Nord pendant la Rvolution fran aise[ M]. 2Vols. , Paris, 1924.
  • 3王养冲.论法国的大革命史编纂学中的进步传统[A].阿·索布尔.法国大革命史论选[C].上海:华东师范大学出版社,1984.
  • 4Jaures J. Histoire socialiste de La Rvolution franaise [ M ]. 4Vols. , Paris, 1901-1904.
  • 5Lefebvre G. Questions agraires au temps de la Terreur[ M ]. Strasbourg, 1932.
  • 6Lefebvre G. La Grande Peurde 1789[M]. Paris, 1932.
  • 7William Halperin( ed. ). Some 20^th- Century Historians[ C]. Chicago, 1961.
  • 8Lefebvre G. The Great Fear of 1789 [ M ]. Tran. by Joan White. New York, 1973.
  • 9Lefebvre G. TheFrench Revolution from it' s origin to 1793 [ M]. Tran. by E. Moss Evanson. Columbia University Press, 1962.
  • 10Lefebvre G. audes sur la Revolution francaise [ M ]. Paris, 1954.











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