目的①了解接受安脱达(AlutardSQ)标准化变应原制剂特异性免疫治疗(Allergen Immunotherapy,AIT)的支气管哮喘患者对哮喘基本知识的认知程度;②调查接受安脱达(AlutardSQ)AIT的支气管哮喘患者的规范诊断以及治疗、AIT的使用指征的规范执行的情况。方法设计调查问卷,对该院门诊接受安脱达(Alu-tardSQ)AIT治疗的85例支气管哮喘进行问卷调查,了解患者基本情况、疾病认知、诊治情况。结果回收调查问卷共85份,结果显示:①仅57.6%患者对支气管哮喘知识比较熟悉;②支气管哮喘诊断和AIT规范化应用状况较好,但哮喘的规范治疗情况不佳;结论支气管哮喘患者对哮喘基本知识的认知不足,规范治疗的情况不佳,医患间沟通和对患者的宣教仍须进一步努力。
[ Objective ]We sought to know: Cognition degree of asthma in patients of asthma accepting allergen immunotherapy (AIT) with SQ allergen extract; Standardization of diagnosis and therapy of asthma and indication of AIT. [Method] Design a questionnaire and survey 85 patients of asthma accepting AIT with SQ allergen extract so that we can know their basic condition, knowledge on asthma, diagnosis and treatment of asthma. [Result] 85 subjects complete the survey, and the results show: Only 57.6% of the patients know asthma well; Diagnosis of asthma and indication of AIT are well-standardized, but therapy of the disease is not quite standardized. [Conclusion] The patients do not know asthma well, and therapy of the disease is not quite standardized; and more efforts should be put on communication between doctor and patients.
China Journal of Modern Medicine