
欧洲39国学前教育的发展现状和趋势 被引量:12

On the Current Situation and Trends of Preschool Education in 39 European Countries
摘要 以联合国教科文组织统计局发布的系列年度报告为依据,本文分析了欧洲学前教育发展的现状和趋势。结果显示:(1)欧洲学前适龄幼儿的毛在园率已达到91%,东欧的毛在园率为80%,而西欧的毛在园率已高达102%。在1999-2006年期间,欧洲的毛在园率又提高了15.4%,目前正向100%的普及率迈进;(2)欧洲学前教育的主要形式是公办,全欧洲在园幼儿中有79%就读于公办幼儿园,东欧就读于公办幼儿园的幼儿比例高达97%,西欧的相应比例也高达66%,虽然近年来私立比重略有增长,但幅度很小,8年里只上升了1.5%;(3)欧洲学前教育的师生比为1:11,近年来虽有波动,但未见趋势性变化。 Based on a set of annual reports published by the NUESCO Institute for Statistics, this article analyzes the current situation and developmental trends of preschool education in European countries. The main findings are: (1)the gross enrolment ratio in Europe is as high as 91 percent, and it is 80 percent in Eastern Europe, and it is up to 102 percent in Western Europe; between 1999 and 2006, it increased 15.4 percent,and it is now approaching 100 percent. (2) Preschoois in Europe are mainly public; 79 percent of the age-group children are enrolled in public kindergartens, which is as high as 97 percent in Eastern Europe and 66 percent in Western Europe; while the ratio of private section is increasing a little in recent years, there has been no significant changes; the private section has increased only 1.5 percent during the last 8 years. (3) The student-teacher ratio is 11.1 : 1,and there is no trends of significant changes.
作者 余强
出处 《学前教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第10期51-56,共6页 Studies in Early Childhood Education
关键词 欧洲 在园率 公私立比 师生比 Europe, gross enrolment ratio, public-private ratio, student-teacher ratio
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