High blood pressure is a chronic disease caused by a variety of etiology and pathogenesis that can lead to a variety of target organ damage,and ultimately lead to serious heart and cerebro vascular complications, endangering human health and life. How to do effective prevention and treatment currently are facing problems. This paper analyzes the status of blood pressure control, to the specificity of contradiction principle as a guide, from the etiology and pathogenesis of hypertension, clinical features, as well as drug sensitivity of individual and many other aspects of starting to explain individual differences in patients with hypertension. Individual differences in patients with hypertension determines an individual integrated control strategy for each different use of "concrete analysis of specific issues" approach, for each individual to develop an individualized program of blood pressure control in order to achieve the desired overall level of control of hypertension.
Medicine & Philosophy(B)
specificity principle of contradiction, blood pressure control, hypertension