AIM:To evaluate the correlative factors of visual acuity(VA) among patients with vitrectomy of traumatic endophthalmitis.·METHODS:A retrospective analysis on clinical data was performed on 62 patients(62 eyes) with vitrectomy for traumatic endophthalmitis. Recorded data bases were sex,age,VA intraocular foreign body,tramatic cataract,retinal detachment(RD) ,basic surgical maneuvers,complications after surgery and so on. The average follow-up was 6 months.·RESULTS:Final VA of 53 eyes(85%) were better than 0.02,in which 13 eyes(21%) were better than 0.3. Two eyes(3%) had enucleation. Multiple-variable analysis showed that the factors significantly affecting prognosis of vitrectomied eyes of traumatic endophthalmit-is were RD before surgery,retinits,severe endophthalmitis,complexity of surgical maneuvers and complications after surgery.·CONCLUSION:RD before surgery,retinits,complexity of surgery and post vitrectomy complications are elosely related to the final vision in vitrectomy eyes of traumatic endophthalmitis. Early vitrectomy is an effective method for traumatic endophthalmitis.
International Eye Science