
欧洲统一市场的建立与对国家干预的规制 被引量:3

European Integration and Regulation of State Interference
摘要 为了促进欧洲统一市场的建立,《欧共体条约》确定了竞争规则和自由流动规则,对成员国制定的不利于统一市场建立的政府干预措施,如授予公用企业独占权、给予国家援助、制定歧视性贸易措施、对私人破坏竞争的行为不作为等进行规制。在欧共体法院的有力保障下,这些规则在推动欧洲一体化进程中发挥了重要作用,特别是其中的竞争规则,因其具有中立、开放之品格而成为规范经济和政治关系、促进共同体市场建立的核心手段和"发动机"。 For the purpose of promoting establishment of a single market, competition and free movement rules have been adopted in the EC treaties to regulate member states' interferences that are inconsistent with building-up of the uniform market such as investing monopoly on public corporations, supplying state subsides, making discrimination trade policies, and nonfeasance against private anti-competitive behaviors. Backed up by the Court of Justice of the European Communities, the two set of rules have played an important role in European integration, especially the competition rules with neutral and liberal characters that can well regulate the relationship of economy and politics and improve the integrity of European markets.
作者 郑鹏程
机构地区 湖南大学法学院
出处 《现代法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第5期175-181,共7页 Modern Law Science
基金 国家社科基金项目"反垄断立法疑难问题研究"(07BFX042)
关键词 市场统一 国家干预 竞争规则 自由流动规则 market integration state interference competition rules free movement rules
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