The analysis on rainfall along the Zuli River valley in the past 50 years shows that rainfall decreased with latitude but increased with altitude in the northeast and southern areas where the altitude varies suddenly. The rainfall was 90 - 140 mm less in an area which shape likes a tougue extending from northwest to southeast till the east edge in the middle and lower area of Zuli River compared with other areas. In the past 50 years, the regional rainfall in Zuli River basin decreased 106.4 mm on average. Wavelet analysis shows that more than 25 years and about 10 years periods in rainfall change are remarkable. The regional mean rainfall decreased from the late 1960s, and in 1986 it increased but after that it decreased much quickly. On the other hand, the seasonal rainfall distribution there was different, and it was the most in summer, less in spring and autumn and the least in winter with 55% , 21% and 3% of annual rainfall, respectively. The rainfall in autumn decreased much more in the past 50 years, but it tends to increase in the beginning of this century. Influenced by human activities, rainfall there presented accelerating decrease trend because of excessive cultivation in the middle and lower region and many small water conservancies in the upper of the river. The rainfall decreased slowly where vegetation cover increased and human activities influenced less on land surface.
Journal of Arid Meteorology
Zuli Rivers basin
rainfall variation
human activities