针对消费电子产品PWM电流型DC-DC电源管理芯片的特点,设计了芯片中所必需的误差放大器,利用带隙基准电压源的原理,结合OTA放大器,提出一种新的误差放大器电路的设计,实现了芯片中误差放大器的功能,满足了芯片电压环路的要求。基于UMC0.6μm BCDBiCMOS工艺,Hspice软件仿真的结果表明所设计的误差放大电路具有结构简单、稳定性高、功耗低等特点,可工作在3.3V-5.5V的电压范围下,性能有很大改善,满足了芯片的需要,可以用于类似芯片中。
According to the need of essential Error Amplifier function in PWM Current-mode DC-DC power management chips of modem consumption electronics product, a new Error Amplifier circuit based on bandgap reference voltage source and OTA was proposed. The functions of Error amplifier are successfully realized. The request of voltage feedback cycle is satisfied. The results of Hspice simulation based on UMC 0.6μm BCD BiCMOS process show that the new Error Amplifier circuit has very low temperature draft and low power consumption, and it can work under the supply of 3.3-5.5V. The performances of circuit are improved greatly, which satisfies the need of chip.