
基于ZigBee技术的油井参数采集系统模块的设计 被引量:4

Design of a Wells Parameters Gathering System Module Based on ZigBee Technology
摘要 依据嵌入式计算机体系结构理论,根据油井系统的传输要求,结合ZigBee技术和无线网络技术的特点,采用TI公司的无线网络芯片CC2430,讨论了用于油井信息采集ZigBee节点硬件模块的设计要点,并进行了相关的硬件调试,实现了该网络节点的无线自组网络传输功能。 According to embedded computer architecture, a hardware platform of ZigBee network used for wells parameters gathering system is designed in this paper in accordance with the wells requirements and wireless network technology, which is using CC2430 that is manufactured by TI Corporation. Design points of module' s hardware which is used for wells parameters gathering system are discussed. Hardware debugging is completed and the function of wireless self - networking is realized.
作者 李纪扣 王钢
出处 《微计算机应用》 2009年第9期70-74,共5页 Microcomputer Applications
关键词 嵌入式 ZIGBEE CC2430 节点模块 Embedded system, ZigBee, CC2430, Network node module
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