
旋风汽水分离器湍流模型研究 被引量:1

The Study on Turbulence Models of Cyclone Moisture Separator
摘要 旋风分离器内部汽—水两相流场是极其复杂的三维强旋转流流动。这给分离器内部的流场数值模拟和实验测量带来了一定的困难。针对分离器内部的这种复杂汽—水两相湍流运动,文章采用了标准к—?模型、RNGк—?模型和雷诺应力模型(RSM),利用贴体网格技术,模拟计算了分离器内部流动,并将计算结果与实验数据进行分析、比较,结果显示,雷诺应力模型(RSM)具有较其它两种模型更强的模拟能力. The strung swirl turbulent flow in cyclone separators caused major diflSculties in modeling their internal cyclone moisture flows. In the paper, the strongly swirling turbulent flow in moisture cyclone separators was simulated using the standard κ-ε, RNG κ-ε and Reynolds stress equation models(RSM). It was demonstrated via comparison between the simulation results with experimental data that the RSM model was superior to the other models.
作者 李娜 陈保东
出处 《广东化工》 CAS 2009年第9期194-195,199,共3页 Guangdong Chemical Industry
关键词 旋风汽水分离器 雷诺应力模型 湍流模型 气相流场 cyclone moisture separator reynolds stress model turbulence models gas phases flow field
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