
生态文明视野中鄱阳湖文化的个性与发展优势 被引量:1

Characters and Development Advantages of Poyang Lake Culture in View of Ecological Civilization
摘要 鄱阳湖是我国最大的淡水湖,在生态文明视野中,鄱阳湖文化作为湖泊文明的一部分,有其个性与发展优势。个性主要表现为强劲的兼容性、辐射性、起伏性和灵活性。发展优势是:鄱阳湖因其区位优势而在国家全局中占有重要地位;资源丰富,是中国乃至世界稻作的起源地;为国际最大的湿地,世界自然基金会划定的全球重要生态区之一,世界上最大的鸟类保护区;湖盆淤积较慢,围湖造田较晚,生态环境好。从人文历史方面考察,鄱阳湖始终是社会关注的焦点,至迟在唐朝已经是国家的财富基地;它的文化进程曾经滞后,但发展劲头不减,有后来居上的表现。鄱阳湖文化为长江文明的精彩部分,亦是中华文明的一个缩影。鄱阳湖区保持了生态经济优势,又开拓出远洋航运新领域,能在传统基础上创新;大力保护环境,湖区经济与文化必定进入新境界。 Poyang Lake is the largest freshwater lake in China. The Poyang Lake Culture has its own characters and development advantages in view of ecological civilization. Its characters mainly present its driving compatibility, radiativity, fluctuation and flexibility while its development advantages show that it plays an important role in the national situation because of its location advantages; it is the origin of rice cultivation in China and even in the world because of its rich resources; it is the largest wetland, one of the most important ecological regions defined by the World Widelife Fund (WWF), and the largest bird sanc- tuary; it is also a well protected ecological environment with slow aggrading of its lake basin and late reclamation of rice fields. Poyang Lake. a national wealth foundation in Tang Dynasty, has always been a social concern from the aspect of humanistic history. Its cultural progress had ever been lagged behind, but it shows a strong momentum to turn the tide of the spirit. The Poyang Lake Culture is a wonderful part of Yangtze River civilization and also an epitome of Chinese civilization. Poyang Lake region has maintained an advantage of the ecological economy and developed a new field of ocean shipping, which makes an innovation on the basis of the tradition and also keeps a good environmentalprotection, ensuring that the economy and the culture in the lake region will necessarily enter a new realm.
作者 许怀林
出处 《鄱阳湖学刊》 2009年第1期31-38,共8页 Journal of Poyang Lake
关键词 生态文明 鄱阳湖 鄱阳湖文化 ecological civilization Poyang Lake Poyang Lake culture
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