

Studies of phagocytosis and killing by neutrophils in patients with superficial candidiasis
摘要 目的研究浅表念珠菌病患者外周血中性粒细胞的吞噬和杀伤功能。方法分离患者和健康对照者外周血的中性粒细胞,与异硫氰酸荧光素(FITC)标记的热灭活具有调理作用的念珠菌孢子悬液共同孵育培养,用流式细胞仪来检测中性粒细胞的吞噬功能;通过中性粒细胞与活的具有调理作用的念珠菌孢子悬液孵育培养,用菌落计数(CFU)的方法观察中性粒细胞对于念珠菌的杀伤能力。结果患者和健康对照者比较中性粒细胞的吞噬性差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),杀伤性差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论浅表念珠菌病患者中性粒细胞对于白色念珠菌的吞噬和杀伤能力正常。 Objective To study the phagocytosis and intracellular killing of Candida albicans by human peripheral blood neutrophils in patients with superficial candidiasis. Methods To isolate the peripheral blood neutrphils(PMNs) from patients and normal controls. A rapid quantitative flow cytometric (FCM) assay was performed for the measurement of phagocytosis of Candidas by culturing human peripheral blood neutrophils with heat --inactivated fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) labeled opsonized Candida spores; To assay killing, opsonized and viable Conidial suspensions were incubated with human peripheral blood neutrophils. After incubation of co-cultures, quantitative counts of viable cells on Sabouraud dextrose agar was performed by CFU observed. Results PMN phagocytosis and fungicidal activities of patients do not show significant differences with normal controls. Conclusion The PMN of patients suffering from superficial candidiasis show normal phagocytosis and fungicidal activity.
作者 俞爱华
出处 《山西医药杂志(上半月)》 CAS 2009年第10期889-890,共2页 Shanxi Medical Journal
关键词 念珠菌病 中性粒细胞 吞噬作用 Candidiasis Neutrophil Phagocytosis
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