
不同服务控制方式对知识共享影响的实证研究 被引量:4

The Effect of Service Control Mechanism on Knowledge Sharing:An Empirical Study from Service Settings
摘要 在服务行业背景下,探讨了不同服务控制方式如何影响组织内知识共享活动的理论问题,揭示了服务控制作为一种正式的组织机制,能够通过作用于服务氛围,进而影响知识共享的内在规律。通过对我国122家服务企业进行问卷调查,得出如下实证分析结果:过程控制有利于知识共享,而结果控制与知识共享之间是一种倒U关系;过程控制有利于营造良好的服务氛围,而过多使用结果控制不利于良好服务氛围的形成;服务氛围有利于促进组织内知识的共享;服务氛围在过程控制与知识共享之间起到部分中介作用。 Under services settings, this article focused on the effect of service control mechanism on knowledge sharing and established a conceptual framework from a knowledge governance perspective. Using data from a survey of 122 service firms, the empirical results showed that (1) process control would positively affect knowledge sharing, but too much use of outcome control would hinder knowledge sharing; (2) process control is positively related to service climate, while there is an inversed U-shaped relationship between outcome control and service climate; (3) service climate are helpful to knowledge sharing; and (4) service climate play a mediating role between process control and knowledge sharing.
出处 《科学学与科学技术管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第10期100-106,共7页 Science of Science and Management of S.& T.
基金 西安交通大学"985工程"项目(07200701)
关键词 过程控制 结果控制 服务氛围 知识共享 process control outcome control service climate knowledge sharing
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