

Tunable Negative Index Metamaterials Using Nematic Liquid Crystals
摘要 提出开口金属环加液晶的三明治超材料结构,将优化的超材料金属环线结构单元与液晶相结合,采用外加电场调节液晶的介电系数,使该结构的负折射响应中心频率可在一定范围内较方便、反复的调整。通过模拟仿真和理论分析证明这是一个可行的结构模型。 A planar metamaterial structure using liquid crystals sandwiched between layers of split ring resonators is demonstrated. This optimized structure has tunable negative index of refractive on account of a controlled permittivity of the liquid crystals drived by extend field. The frequency range with negative index of refractive can be adjusted conveniently and reversibly. Numerical simulation and analyzation show this is a valid metamaterial structure.
出处 《材料导报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第20期8-10,共3页 Materials Reports
基金 河南省教育厅自然科学研究计划项目(2009A140008)
关键词 超材料 液晶 调控 劈裂环结构 metamaterials, liquid crystals, adjusted, SRRs
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