The key of revitalization of northeast old industrial base is economic restructuring and urban renewal. The economic competitiveness of the Northeast lies on reasonable and more effective region development strategy. To contribute to the improvement of interaction among northeast regions, the author, on the guidance of scientific concept of development, analyzed the development of domestic and international situation which have impact on the revitalization of the Northeast. In relevant theory of regional economic development, the Northeast economic and urban system has been analyzed. Thereafter, the author gave some suggestions that on the basis of the mechanism and pattern of urbanization of industrial cluster and reorganization of large metropolitan area the government should promote regional economic restructuring and urban renewal. Along the city of main vehicular line and central regions of Harbin-Chuangchun-Shenyang-Dalian which including solid economic foundation with heavy industry, the development of around regions was promoted through the building of "Gateway City" and the gathering function of large cities, take these large cities as an example for other cities to follow. Considering international experience, the local knowledge resources realizes optimization and high-tech industry realizes development through financial and tax policies, promotion of minor private enterprise development, the original innovation and imitation innovation, master the core technology, promote industrial development, technology upgrade, marketing change, transport change, service change and accelerate the business process of modernization. Finally, high-tech industry and traditional industry realizes integration, Harbin-Dalian city economic zone is constructed and old industry base all-round development.
Human Geography
the revitalization of the Northeast
regional economy
Harbin-Dalian city economic zone