
都市生态旅游研究现状与挑战 被引量:7

摘要 本文主要目的,在藉由都市生态旅游相关研究的回顾,探讨近年来生态旅游研究转往都市地区的现象,并剖析其研究内容。考虑都市生态旅游一词被提出的时间点,本研究以1996年后相关之中英文专书、期刊与研讨会共计34篇为讨论对象。并针对文献之研究地区、研究议题、研究方法与研究者所在地区等四项进行检视。结果显示当下相关研究其研究方法以质性方法为主,且大陆为当下都市生态旅游研究主要地区与研究者背景来源地。最后,本研究以为当下相关研究仍流于概念性的论述,缺乏厚实的理论基础,亦缺乏深入的实证探讨,建议未来研究,当着重于发掘都市生态旅游的特质,并从更为务实的方向着手。 The concept ofecotourism emerged in 1960th, and was brought up formally in 1983. After Agenda 21, The International Year of Ecotourism, and The Quebec Declaration on Ecotourism, ecotourism and sustainable tourism are the main stream of tourism industries. However, during the two decades, the definition of ecotourism has always been challenged resulting its bewilderment. And that situation also made the emerging of urban ecotourism full of argument and contradiction.The purpose of this paper is to review the references of urban ecotourism and to explore the trend that urban areas have become the focuses of ecotourism. Considering the point that urban ecotourism has been proposed since 1996, thirty four relative references published both in English and Chinese after 1996 are collected. Four aspects of all the references, including case-study areas, themes of topic, research methods, and locations of researchers are discussed. The result reveals that the theories of urban ecotourism have not been debated in depth and the base of theories has not been constructed yet. The qualitative methods play the main tool among all the references, and descriptive method is used to promote the researchers' hypothesis in some. Reflecting with case-study areas and locations of researchers among them, China was the main country in discussing this topic, and many cities in China are used as case study areas. But most of the research are like the introduction of traveling resources more rather than providing deep suggestions and strategies. All in all, this paper concludes that the relative research, the thickness may have not been formed. Hence, the essence of ecotourism must be held to avoid the operation of urban ecotourism to be covered by fake ecotourism, and become no more than a tool of urban marketing. That will bring a real disaster to the relatively natural areas in a city and make urban tourism departing from the way to real ecotourism. As a result, it is suggested if the distinguishing characteristics are proposed clearly, the relative research in the future may have its contributions.
出处 《人文地理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第5期107-110,30,共5页 Human Geography
关键词 都市生态旅游研究 研究议题 研究方法 研究地区 urban ecotourism research theme of topic research method research areas
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