
开设青少年健康与发展课程必要性的探讨 被引量:3

Necessity of setting up Adolescent Health and Development course in nursing colleges
摘要 目的探讨将青少年健康与发展课程纳入护理课程体系的必要性及意义。方法采用质性研究设计,电话或面对面访谈25名符合纳入标准者以了解其对青少年健康与发展课程的看法,对笔录或录音转录文本进行内容分析。结果共找出2个主题:急需开设青少年健康与发展课程,青少年健康与发展课程需要完善。结论青少年健康与发展课程纳入护理课程体系非常必要,可增强护士的角色功能,对青少年健康促进意义重大。 Objective To investigate the necessity of setting up Adolescent Health and Development course and its implication. Methods A qualitative design was used,twenty-five participants were interviewed face-to-face or by phone to explore their opinion about Adolescent Health and Development course. Interviews were recorded,and notes were taken. Transcripts and notes were analyzed. Results Two themes emerged,which included Adolescent Health and Development course in great need and Adolescent Health and Development course requiring further development. Conclusions It is necessary to develop an Adolescent Health and Development course. The provision of Adolescent Health and Development course can strengthen the nurses' role and promote the adolescent health.
出处 《中华护理教育》 2009年第9期401-403,共3页 Chinese Journal of Nursing Education
基金 山东大学、香港理工大学及世界卫生组织资助项目
关键词 青少年保健服务 课程 教育 护理 Adolescent Health Services Curriculum Education,Nursing
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