A sign that reads 'Free Supermarket' was recently posted by a supermarket in Fengtai District, Beijing. When a consumer buys goods worth 100 yuan or above in the supermarket, he will get a piece of consumption voucher with the shopping bill. If the serial number printed on the voucher corresponds with that posted on the supermarket’s website each week, the consumer will receive 90 yuan from the supermarket. Over 300,000 yuan has been returned to the consumers in the past two months since its opening. According to some consumers, as it takes longer time to receive the returned money, they aren’t crazy about going to the supermarket. Experts hold that smooth cash ? ow is critical for maintaining such business model. The supermarket executives say that the social benef it outruns the economic benefi t in terms of the business model. If the model is popularized, the problem of providing pension for the aged may be solved. In addition, it will provide more taxes for the country and relieve the financial burden. It deserves more observation as to how far the free model will go.
China Market