
基于非线性控制理论的船舶动力定位控制系统的数学模型 被引量:3

Mathematical Models Based on Nonlinear Control Theory for Ship DP Control System
摘要 考虑到船舶的动态特性存在固有的强非线性以及非线性控制改善系统性能和鲁棒性的能力,将非线性控制理论应用到船舶动力定位控制系统的设计中,对某供应船的计算机模型进行仿真,仿真分析表明非线性控制系统是有效的。 Considering that dynamics characteristics of ships are nonlinear inherently and nonlinear control can improve performance and robustness of the control system, the nonlinear control theory was applied in the design of ship DP control system. The results simulated on a computer model of a ship show that nonlinear control system is effective.
作者 刘芙蓉 陈辉
出处 《船海工程》 2009年第5期92-95,共4页 Ship & Ocean Engineering
关键词 动力定位 控制系统 非线性控制理论 dynamic positioning control system nonlinear control theory
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