
一种新的宽带声呐波束域背景均衡方法 被引量:10

A New Background Equalization Algorithm in Beamspace of Broadband Sonar
摘要 提出一种新的宽带波束域背景均衡方法——差分邻域均衡算法,通过两步实现波束域的背景均衡。与波束域OTA背景均衡算法相比,差分邻域均衡法更易于工程实现。计算机仿真结果表明,差分邻域均衡算法在均衡背景噪声的同时可以较好的保留目标信号,改善了声呐的显示效果,使目标方位更加清晰。 A new background equalization algorithm in beamspace of broadband sonar is proposed in this paper. It is achieved by two steps. Firstly, all peak values of spatial spectrum caused by the target signal and the background noise are detected by using difference method, and the non peak values are minimized. Secondly, the character of data in halfpower-width neighborhood around each peak is extracted and is used to determine that a peak value corresponds to target signal or background noise. The peak corresponding to target signal is reserved and the peak corresponding to background noise is removed. A major advantage of the new algorithm is easy to realize in engineering compared with the beamspace OTA background equalization algorithm. Not only could it equalize the background noise, but also it could well reserve the target signal. Computer simulations show that the algorithm proposed in this paper is capable of improving the display quality of sonar. It will be an effective method in engineering applications.
出处 《船海工程》 2009年第5期181-185,共5页 Ship & Ocean Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金(10504026) 西北工业大学基础研究基金(w018101)
关键词 背景均衡 波束域 峰值 宽带数字声呐 background equalization beamspaee peak value digital broadband sonar
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