

Optimization of Vehicle and Materials Depot Location Problems for Winter Road Maintenance
摘要 撒布融雪剂是国际上较常用的一种路面除冰雪的手段,可以通过降低冰雪融点清除积雪及积冰。优化储存融雪剂和融雪剂撒布车辆的场站布局可以提高养护作业的效率和减少作业成本,从而降低融雪剂对环境的影响。虽然场站布局属于战略层面的规划问题,但它必须有效考虑操作层面的车辆路径规划问题。根据选址-路径问题(Location-Routing Problem)建立冬季道路养护场站的选址模型,并用两阶段TABU禁忌搜索算法进行求解。长春市的案例分析结果证明了模型的有效性。 Salt spreading was a common practice in wintertime in many countries, and involved the spreading of salt on roads when ice or snow had made them slippery. The progress of optimization models of vehicle and materials depot location could not only increase the efficiency or effectiveness, but also result in significant savings and reduced environmental and societal impacts. However, it was obvious that depot location problem which was belonged to the strategic level should consider the vehicle routing problem which was belonged to the operational level in sequential manner. As a result, Location-Routing Problem (LRP) is talked based approach to the integrated problems of depot location and vehicle routing with the purpose aiding winter road maintenance planners. A two-stage TABU search algorithm was applied to solve the model. The case study of Changchun proves the feasibility and applicability of the method.
作者 安实 刘刚
出处 《科学技术与工程》 2009年第20期6099-6102,共4页 Science Technology and Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金(70841007)资助
关键词 冬季道路养护 除冰雪 场站规划 运筹学 winter road maintenance snow removal depot location operations research
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