
刻板印象的心理表征:范畴还是样例 被引量:3

摘要 选取较为强烈的、具有普遍性的性别刻板印象,操纵抽象范畴与具体样例的不同水平,探讨刻板印象的心理表征。结果发现:(1)刻板印象遵循典型样例优先、基础范畴次之、最后至上位范畴的"金字塔"表征模型,非典型样例则按上位范畴进行表征;(2)刻板印象抽象范畴与具体样例在加工过程中是独立的,二者遵循自我停止的系列加工方式;(3)刻板印象的抽象范畴和典型样例在后继信息加工中具有同化效应。 To explore stereotype's mental representation, the study selected the sex stereotype which was comparatively strong and universal and manipulated different levels of abstract prototype and concrete exemplars, the results showed: (1) Stereotype in memory followed "pyramid" representational model, which was the priority of typical exemplars, second category took second place, and final was meta-category; atypical exemplars representation complied with meta-category. (2) Abstract prototype and concrete exemplars of stereotype were independent in certain procession; they followed the self-terminating serial processing pattern. (3) Abstract prototype and typical exemplars of stereotype had assimilation effect in succeeding information processing.
作者 张国礼 王沛
出处 《心理与行为研究》 CSSCI 2009年第3期226-230,共5页 Studies of Psychology and Behavior
基金 上海市2008年度哲学社会科学BW0818一般项目 上海市2008年度曙光计划CW0908项目 上海市教委2008年度科技创新重点CW0951项目 上海市教育委员会重点学科J50403项目 北京师范大学认知神经与学习国家重点实验室2006年度开放基金等项目的资助
关键词 刻板印象 范畴 样例 心理表征 stereotype, category, exemplar, mental representation.
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