
高速发射参考超宽带系统中的接收分集及均衡方案 被引量:1

Receive Diversity and Equalization in High-data-rate Transmitted-Reference Ultra-Wideband Systems
摘要 在高传输速率发射参考超宽带(TR-UWB)系统中,采用传统自相关接收机将引入2阶符号间干扰(ISI)。该文证明,通过多天线接收及等增益合并方案可获得显著的接收分集增益,并且通过多天线合并降低ISI模型的非线性程度,消除误码率地板效应。合并后的ISI模型可采用线性模型进行近似,采用数据辅助自适应算法对合并信道进行估计,大大降低原非线性模型中信道估计器和均衡器的复杂度,均衡后的性能与完整2阶ISI模型相比也随天线数增加而趋于相同。 In high data rate Transmitted-Reference (TR) Ultra-WideBand (UWB) systems, the conventional autocorrelation receivers introduce the second-order Inter-Symbol Interference (ISI). This paper demonstrates that through multiple antennas receive and Equal Gain Combining (EGC) significant diversity gain can be obtained. Furthermore, the multiple antennas combination can eliminate the BER floor with the alleviation of the model nonlinearities. The combined system can be simplified to a linear ISI model and the complexity of channel modeling and equalizer can be reduced greatly via a data-aided adaptive algorithm. The performance gap between the approximate linear model and the nonlinear model diminishes with increasing antennas.
出处 《电子与信息学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第9期2157-2160,共4页 Journal of Electronics & Information Technology
关键词 超宽带 发射参考 均衡 接收分集 UWB Transmitted-Reference(TR) Equalization Receive diversity
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