目的设计一套实验鱼的质量控制实验,将两组不同健康状况实验鱼暴露于同一化学污染压力下,比较两者不同的压力响应,同时对现行的实验用鱼质量控制要求的适宜性进行分析与讨论。方法采用OECD 203鱼类急性毒性实验方法,以重铬酸钾(K2Cr2O7)作为实验鱼质量控制实验的参比样品,分别将健康斑马鱼(HZ)和生病斑马鱼(SZ)暴露于不同浓度灭多威(Methomyl)的水溶液中96 h。记录24 h4、8 h7、2 h和96 h的死亡率。确定96 h鱼类死亡50%的受试物浓度,半数致死浓度用96 h-LC50表示。结论在96 h的实验周期中,健康斑马鱼的K2Cr2O724h-LC50为323.38 mg/L,Methomyl 96 h-LC50为4.91 mg/L;病鱼K2Cr2O724 h-LC50为302.55 mg/L,Methomyl 96 h-LC50为3.04 mg/L。说明两种斑马鱼虽然都符合K2Cr2O724 h-LC50在200-400 mg/L之间的实验用鱼质控要求,但两种健康状态的鱼对于同一化学污染压力下的96 h-LC50却有较显著差异。
Objective To study the toxicity of zebrafish in different health conditions exposed to the same chemical pollutant, and to discuss the suitability of current quality control (QC) of laboratory fish. Methods According to the OECD 203 Fish Acute Toxicity Test method, healthy and sick zebrafish were placed in methomyl and potassium dichromate ( K2 Cr2O7 ) respectively. Results and Conclusion The values of K2 Cr: 07 24 h - LC50 and Methomyl 96 h - LCso of the healthy fish were 323.38 mg/L and 4.91 mg/L respectively,and were 302.55 mg/L and 3.04 mg/L in the sick fish. Although the K2 Cr2 07 24 h - LC50 values of both fish meet the QC requirement, there is a significant difference on the 96h- LC50 values between the two groups of fish in the acute toxicity test of methomyl.
Laboratory Animal Science
Zebrafish (Brachydanio rerio )
Quality control
Toxicity test