
语料库,专门用途英语与体育英语语料库建设 被引量:19

Corpus,ESP and Construction of Sport English Corpus
摘要 通过探讨专门用途英语和一般用途英语,专门用途英语语料库和一般用途英语语料库两对四个因素之间的关系,探讨建立一个系统的,完整的体育英语语料库的有效途径。强调系统功能语言学的语域理论对指导语料库建设的重要性。由于语料库语言学为专门用途英语提供了一个全方位,多层次的研究途径,建立体育英语语料库已经成为体育英语学科建设的基础工程。 With the intent to meet the needs of the subject construction of Sports English, this paper developed an effective method in constructing a systematic and comprehensive Sports English corpus (SEC) through the exploration of the relationship between ESP and EGP, ESP corpus and EGP corpus. The general principles of corpus construction and the register theory of systemic functional linguistics are proved to be essentially important in building up a SEC. Corpus linguistics has provided an all - faceted and multileveled approach to ESP research, thus the construction of a SEC with a fair representativeness turns out to be a basic project in the subject construction of Sports English.
出处 《广州体育学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第3期111-115,共5页 Journal of Guangzhou Sport University
关键词 语料库 专门用途英语 体育英语语料库 Sport English Corpus, ESP, subject construction
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