The reproduction of 72 primipara rabbits and 20aged cloes (over 45 weeks) hasbeen investigated. The result showd the number born alive, birth weight and weaning livabilvty of Primipararabbit was 6. 67, 47. 57, 94. 80 respectively, a little lower than that ofmultiparous rabbits, which was 7. 10, 49. 79, 93. 12; The number born alive, birth weight,weaning livability and conception rate of 44 - 56 weeks close was 6. 42, 50. 90g, 96. 30% and87. 50%, while that of over 57 weeks is 6. 35、48. 79g 、and 56. 67 respectively. As the result ofthe study on annual litters, the number born alive, birth weight, weaning libability andconception rate were 7. 30, 50. 22g, 94. 70%, 96. 25%; 7. 23, 51. 72g, 94. 50%, 100% and6. 53, 48. 04% g, 92. 60%, 81. 6%, as it is 2, 4, grespectively.
Special Wild Economic Animal and Plant Research