
k冗余多播网络中网络编码算法设计与分析 被引量:3

Design and Analysis of Network Coding Algorithm in k-Redundant Multicast Network
摘要 k冗余多播网络采用网络编码可实现最大多播速率k的信息传输。该文利用最大距离可分码已有成果,给出k冗余多播网络在不同发送速率下所需的最小有限域,构造最大距离可分码[n,k]生成矩阵,将其列向量作为信源输出链路的全局编码向量,设计网络码字,实现网络编码。应用实例表明该网络编码方法相对现有的通用网络编码算法而言,具有更低的计算复杂度。 For k -redundant multicast network, the maximum multicast rate can be achieved with network coding. The minimal finite field which is enough to implement network coding for different multieast rate in k -redundant multicast network is obtained, by using some results of MDS codes available. To design codes of multicast network and implement network coding, a generator matrix of a [n, k] MDS code is constructed based on the obtained minimal finite field, and its column vectors are allocated to output links of the source as their global coding vectors. An application instance shows that, compared with present universal approaches of network coding, this approach has lower computation complexity.
出处 《电子与信息学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第10期2411-2415,共5页 Journal of Electronics & Information Technology
基金 国家863计划项目(2007AA01Z215) 国家自然科学基金(60502046 60573034) 国家青年科学基金(60503010)资助课题
关键词 网络编码 k冗余多播网络 最大距离可分码 有限域 Network coding k -redundant multicast network Maximum Distance Separable (MDS) codes Finite field
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