
一种建立海底格网数字高程模型的插值方法 被引量:10

An Interpolation Method for Constructing Undersea Grid-DEM
摘要 自然邻点插值性能优良,但不适用于约束域,为建立与矢量电子海图对应的海底格网数字高程模型,把协调Delaunay三角剖分的思想融入自然邻点插值,提出协调自然邻点插值算法,简化了构建二阶约束Voronoi单元的过程。采用真实海图进行试验,由矢量海图中的水深要素和海岸线岛屿要素构建海底规则格网数字高程模型。经试验对比,协调自然邻点插值在细节反映能力优于不规则三角网插值,是一种可用于二维约束域插值问题的方法。 The performance of natural neighbor interpolation is good, but it is not suitable for constraint domains. In order to construct the Grid Digital Elevation Modal (Grid-DEM) associated with vector nautical charts, a new interpolation method named as conforming natural neighbor interpolation that combines conforming Delaunay triangulation with natural neighbor interpolation is proposed, which simplifies the procedures of constructing second order Voronoi Cells. Experiment is implemented on a real nautical chart, whose sounding elements and coastline elements are utilized to construct undersea Grid-DEM with the proposed method. The experiment result shows that the proposed method can make more details than Triangulation Irregular Network interpolation, and potentially can be used to solve restricted planar domain interpolation problems.
出处 《中国航海》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期61-65,共5页 Navigation of China
基金 国防预研基金(06J3.8.6)
关键词 水路运输 协调Delaunay三角化 自然邻点插值 矢量电子海图 海底数字高程模型 waterway transportation conforming Delaunay triangulation natural neighbor interpolation vector nautical charts undersea DEM
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