
少数民族已婚育龄妇女生殖健康现状及影响因素调查分析 被引量:7

Study on Current Status and Influencing Factors of Reproductive Health among Married Minority Women
摘要 目的:调查少数民族已婚育龄妇女生殖健康现状,从社会、经济、文化等方面分析其影响因素。方法:2007年1~10月,在贵州省松桃、镇宁、三都、务川和玉屏5个少数民族自治县,随机问卷调查苗族、布依族、水族、仡佬族和侗族20~49岁已婚育龄妇女各110名。数据录入计算机,采用SPSS11.5分析软件进行分析处理。结果:有效问卷回收率94.6%。产前检查率和住院分娩率的影响因素有民族、户口、文化水平、生殖健康培训和职业。各种避孕方法现用率为94.8%,少数民族育龄群众选择避孕方法最看重的是方法的有效性、失败率,计划生育政策性要求也是其重要影响因素。生育和避孕意愿及原因在民族、户口间有显著差异。少数民族妇女健康意识低下,自报生殖系统患病率为48.2%,其影响因素有民族、户口、教育程度和家庭年收入。生殖健康知识水平受民族、户口、文化水平、家庭经济状况、生殖保健服务等影响。自我评价性生活满意率为72.6%,文化水平低和生殖系统疾病降低了育龄妇女的性生活满意度。结论:少数民族已婚育龄妇女的生殖健康状况受民族、文化水平、经济状况、社会生殖保健服务体系的影响,在生活方式、禁忌习俗与社会风尚方面,如何兴利除弊、因势利导和促进男女平等是改善各民族生殖健康状况的关键所在。 Objective : To explore the current status of reproductive health among married minority women and analyze the factors associated with reproductive health in aspects of society, economics and culture. Method: A questionnaire survey was made in 110 married minority women aged 20 to 49 in each minority group including the Miao, Buyi, Shui, Gelao and Dong nationalities. The data collected were analyzed with SPSS11.5 software. Results : The rate of validated questionnaires recov- ered was 94.6%. The factors associated with the rate of antenatal examination and institutional delivery were nationality, cen- sus register, the level of education, reproductive health training and occupation. The contraceptive prevalent was 94.8%. The effect and the failure rate of contraceptive, and family planning policy were important factors concerned by women of reproduc- tive age who planned for contraceptive. The willingness and reasons of childbearing and contraception were inconsistent in different nationalities and census registers. These minority women, reporting 45.2% of prevalence of reproductive sys- tem diseases, had low awareness of health. The factors relat- ed to awareness of health included nationality, census regis- ter, the level of education and annual household income. The knowledge level of reproductive health was influenced by nationality, census register, the level of education, domestic financial condition and accessibility of reproductive health serv- ice. Self - evaluated satisfactory rate of sexual intercourse was 72.6%. Low level of education and suffering from reproductive system diseases decreased the satisfactory degree of sexual intercourse. Conclusion: Reproductive health condition of married minority women of reproductive age were influenced by nationality, the level of education, financial condition and social serv- ice system of reproductive cares. Promoting the benefits and sexual equality in life style as well as taboo custom and social tendency is the key to the improvement of the reproductive health condition of minority women.
出处 《中国计划生育学杂志》 北大核心 2009年第10期609-613,共5页 Chinese Journal of Family Planning
基金 贵州省人口计生委科研项目(2006)第0001号 国家社科基金项目(06XRK004)
关键词 少数民族 已婚育龄妇女 生殖健康 minority Married woman of reproductive age reproductive health
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