
共和国60年科技法制与科技文化建设 被引量:6

On the Construction of Legal System and Culture of Science and Technology of 60 Years of PRC
摘要 共和国的科技法制与科技文化建设经历了初创时期、艰难发展时期、畸形发展时期、恢复发展时期和繁荣发展时期几个阶段,而共和国60年科技法制与科技文化建设的历程表明:当科技法制与科技文化处于良性的互动关系时,中国的科技事业便能稳步向前发展;而当科技法制不被重视尤其被抛在一边时,中国科技事业的发展就会出现波折甚至重创,科技文化建设也就难以为继。中国科技事业的健康发展,应该确保在科技法制有利于科技文化建设的同时,确保科技文化在法制的轨道内发展并能促进科技法制的建设,特别是应重视科技体制的创新建设,发挥科技哲学界沟通科技界与法学界的桥梁作用。 In 60 years of the development of legal system and culture of science and technology, which went through a start--up period, hard development period, abnormal development period, revived development period and prosperous development period, it bore out the mutual rela tionship between them. When legal system of science and technology interacted in a healthy way with the culture, China's science and technology was able to move forward steadily; however, when legal system of science and technology was given scant attention or even thrown away, China's science and technology was twists and turns or even serious hurt, thus the construction of culture of science and technology was hard to sustain. China's science and technology can develop well only as following: legal system of science and technology aims to develop the culture, meanwhile the culture should develop in a legal way and promote legal system of science and technology, especially to the innovation system building; the philosophers of science and technology should build a bridge to the scientists & technologists and the jurists.
出处 《自然辩证法研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第10期93-100,共8页 Studies in Dialectics of Nature
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目"中国的科学建制与科学文化"(06JJD720012)
关键词 共和国 科技法制 科技文化 People's Republic of China legal system of science and technology culture of science and technology
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