
湘江长沙段有螺洲滩不同灭螺措施效果评价 被引量:2

Evaluation on snails control in different measures at the bottomland of Changsha section of the Xiang River
摘要 为了全面评价和考核湘江长沙段各洲滩近几年来采取的不同灭螺措施对洲滩钉螺(Oncomelania hupensis)螺情的影响,采用以系统抽样结合环境抽查的查螺方法,2003~2008年对湘江长沙段20个有螺洲滩进行了跟踪调查。结果表明,2008年与2003年相比,活螺洲滩数、有螺框出现率、钉螺平均密度和活螺率分别下降了40.00%,99.10%,99.74%,51.09%。经统计学处理,各洲滩有螺框出现率(Z=91.5602,P〈0.01)、活螺率(z=65.1332,P<0.01)不相同,但年度下降趋势明显。在20个有螺洲滩中,有感染性钉螺分布的洲滩5个,占有螺洲滩总数的25.00%;有感染性钉螺分布的洲滩逐年减少,感染性钉螺的平均密度和感染率逐年降低,2007~2008年所有洲滩无感染性钉螺分布。湘江长沙段有螺洲滩采取的各种防治措施中,药物与环改灭螺相结合的效果远好于单纯的药物灭螺。各种环改灭螺措施,又以抬洲降滩、翻耕垦种的灭螺效果更持久,更彻底。 In order to evaluate the effectiveness of snail controls in recent years, we have made a consecutive investigation of snail distributions in bottomlands from 2003 to 2008 by using the systematic and environmental sampling method. Twenty-four bottomlands were investigated continuously from 2003 to 2008. The total number of bottomlands with snails habitats was 20 which accounted for 83.3% of all investigated bottornlands, and four bottomlands had no snails. The number of bottomland with living snails respectively accounted for 62.50%, 66.67%, 66.67%, 70.83%, 33.33% and 37.50% of the investigated year; Compared with 2008, in 2003 the number of bottomlands with living snails, the rate of frame with snails, the average density of snails, the rate of living snails respectively decreased by 40.00%, 99.10%, 99.74%, 51.09%. Processed by SAS 9. 1.3 Cochran-Armitage Trend Chi-Square Test, the rate of frames with snails (Z= 91. 560 2, P〈0.01) and the rate of living snails (Z=65. 133 2, P〈0. 01) were different in each bottomland, but the downward trend was significant. Among 20 bottomlands with snails, 5 bottomlands have infected snails, occupying 25.00% of the whole. The general development tendency of infected snails is as follows: the number of bottomlands with infected snails has declined year by year, so have the average density of infected snails and the infection rate of snails. Where are no bottomland with infected snail was not found in Changsha section of the Xiang River from 2007 to 2008. The results indicate that the combination of environmental modification and snail control by molluscicide were much more effective than only using mollscicide. The better validity of snail control was taking uplift and/or fall of elevation on bottomland and reclamation and plantation change the snail habitats of bottomlands at the Changsha section of the Xiang River.
出处 《海洋科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第10期47-53,共7页 Marine Sciences
基金 长沙市科技局资助项目(K041133-32)
关键词 湘江长沙段 洲滩 灭螺措施 评价 Changsha section of Xiang River bottomland snail control measures evaluation
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