
在超音速压缩角下的湍流模型数值比较 被引量:1

Comparison of Turbulent Models for Supersonic Compression Corner Flow
摘要 在超音速飞机进气道的湍流数值仿真中,选择合适的湍流模型可以比较准确的捕捉激波位置和流场分布,对飞机发动机的设计和控制都是很重要的。但是对湍流模型的选择,文献中并无记载。针对上述情况选择了进气道的简化结构,分别运用标准的高雷诺数k-epsilon模型,重整化群RNG模型,Realizable k-epsilon模型及ASM模型等进行了数值仿真和比较。基于SIMPLE算法,采用相同的分析壁面函数处理法,并且对流项都采用MINMOD格式。从比较发现:RNG模型比标准的k-epsilon模型和Realizable k-epsilon模型精度高,比ASM模型精度稍低,但是比ASM模型省时间,最后作者认为RNG模型在算例中是最经济实用的湍流模型。 A decent turbulence model in the numerical simulation of supersonic inlet can precisely capture the shock wave and predict the flow field,which is very important to the design and control of aircraft engine. However, no reference deals with the selection of turbulence model under this condition, so a comparison of turbulent models is performed on the supersonic compression corner which is a similar and simple configuration of inlet channel. The four turbulent models are standard k - epsilon model, RNG model , Realizable model and ASM model. They depend on the same SIMPLE algorithm , analytical wall function and MINMOD scheme of convection . The paper concludes that the RNG turbulent model is more precise than the standard k -epsilon model and the Realizable k -epsilon model, and needs less time than ASM model. In the end , the it is concluded that the RNG model is the most economic and practical one.
机构地区 西北工业大学
出处 《计算机仿真》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第10期30-33,共4页 Computer Simulation
关键词 飞机进气道 超音速压缩角 湍流模型的比较 重整化群湍流模型 Inlet channel Supersonic compression comer Comparison of turbulent model RNG model
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