
准心理咨询师的依恋方式与从业意愿的关系 被引量:1

Attachment Styles of Quasi-Psychological Counselors and its Relationship with Desire to Work as a Counselor
摘要 目的:了解我国心理咨询师培训班学员(以下简称准心理咨询师)依恋方式的特征,并探讨其与从业意愿的关系。方法:采用两种成人依恋量表《关系问卷(Relation Questionnaire,RQ)》和《亲密关系经历量表(Experiences in Close Relationship,ECR)》评估327名准心理咨询师的依恋方式,并要求其对专职和兼职从业意愿进行自评。结果:(1)依恋类型分布:安全型57.5%,疏离型24.5%,倾注型9.8%,恐惧型8.3%;(2)性别、年龄、受教育程度均不影响准心理咨询师的从业意愿,但职业对专职和兼职从业意愿有影响(F=7.731、5.348,均P<0.001);(3)倾注型准心理咨询师的从业意愿最高[专职:(4.84±2.09),兼职(5.63±1.74)],疏离型其次[专职(4.25±2.05),兼职(4.65±2.15)],安全型[专职(4.06±2.42),兼职(4.55±2.64)]和恐惧型[专职(3.72±2.42),兼职(4.20±2.91)]均较低。不同依恋类型准心理咨询师的兼职从业意愿有差异(F=3.404,P<0.05),倾注型准心理咨询师的兼职从业意愿高于安全型和恐惧型(均P<0.05);(4)依据从业意愿的差异可将样本分成4类:双低型、兼职型、双高型、专职型,兼职型在自我模型上的得分最高(4.78±3.17),而专职型在他人模型上的得分最高(2.28±3.42)。结论:不同依恋类型准心理咨询师的从业意愿不同,应高度关注咨询师的依恋方式对咨询活动的影响,并在职业培训和继续教育中增加相关内容。 Objective: To explore the condition of the adult attachment style of quasi-psychological counselors and the relationship between their attachment styles and desires to work as a counselor. Method: Surveys about adult attachment styles in 327 quasi-psychological counselors were carried on with two adult attachment measurements-Relations Questionnaire ( RQ ) and Experiences in Close Relationship ( ECR) . The desires to work as a counselor were assessed by self-rating. Results: ( 1 ) The distribution of quasi-psychological counselors'attachment styles were that secure 57.5%, dismissing 24. 5%, preoccupied 9. 8%, fearful 8. 3%. (2) Neither gender nor age and education background influenced quasi-psychological counselors desires to work as a counselor. However, the vocation had a significant impact on the desires ( Ps 〈0. 001 ) . ( 3 )The desires to work as a counselor were the highest in the quasi-psychological counselors of preoccupied style [ fulltime: ( 4. 84 ± 2. 09 ) ; part-time: ( 5.63± 1.74 ) ], second in the ones of dismissing style [ fulltime (4. 25 ±2. 05) ; part-time (4. 65±2. 15) ], and lowest in those of secure style [ fulltime (4. 06± 2.42 ) ; part-time ( 4. 55 ± 2. 64 ) ] and fearful style [ fulltime: ( 3.72 ± 2.42 ), part-time: ( 4. 20 ±2. 91 ) ] . The desires to work as a part-time counselor were different among them ( P 〈0.05) . Quasipsychological counselors of preoccupied style showed higher part-time desires than those of fearful and secure styles ( Ps 〈 0. 05 ). ( 4 ) They were separated into 4 categories according to their desires to work as a counselor: low-low, part-time, high-high, and full-time. And the part-time ones had the highest self model (4. 78 ± 3.17 ), while the full-time ones got the highest scores on other model ( 2. 28±3.42) . Conclusion: In accord with our hypothesis, discrepancy on desire to work as a counselor is found among quasi-psychological counselors with different attachment styles. Attention should be paid to the impact of counselors attachment style on their professional activity. And relevant contents must be added into psychological counselors professional training.
出处 《中国心理卫生杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第10期695-700,共6页 Chinese Mental Health Journal
关键词 心理咨询师 依恋方式 从业意愿 问卷调查 psychological counselor attachment style the desire to work as a counselor questionnaire survey
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