
外文参考文献著者姓名著录中的问题 被引量:11

Format of authors' names cited in foreign languages in bibliography of Chinese periodicals
摘要 目前,科技期刊外文参考文献著者姓名著录中存在很多问题。其原因是:1)外国人的姓名,尤其是一些欧洲人的姓名构成比较复杂,编辑人员一般很难对各种语言的外国人名构成都能了解;2)在对外文作者姓名的处理上,国内相关文件的一些规定还有例外。有的比较含糊,操作性不强;3)编辑人员在加工时还不够认真。为此,该文对有前缀姓氏、姓名大小写、复名等的著录问题进行探讨。 Too many mistakes about authors' names hide in bibliographies referenced in foreign languages in Chinese periodicals. The reasons for this arc as follows: first, foreign names, especially European names, are Ioo complicated to be identified by editors; second, formats about authors' names defined in Chinese standards are ambiguous and there is some exception; third, editors have not made sufficient efforts on the work. The referencing formats of prefixed surnames, capitalization of names, as well as double-barreled forenames are discussed, and accordingly some suggestions are given.
作者 鞠衍清
出处 《编辑学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第5期414-415,共2页 Acta Editologica
关键词 外文参考文献 著者姓名 著录 references in foreign languages authors' names referencing
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