
养老机构中的人力资源建设问题与对策探讨 被引量:10

Problems and the Related Countermeasures in the Construction of Human Resources in Institutions for the Old People
摘要 人力资源是养老机构发展的重要保障之一。通过对南京市相关养老机构的深入调查研究,发现目前养老机构的人力资源建设中存在着人员数量不足、人力资源配置不全、护理人员专业素质较低、人力资源不稳定等问题。导致这些问题的原因有政府投入不够、人们对养老服务业存在一定偏见、养老服务人员的工作环境差、专业的人力培训的匮乏。政府切实起到牵头作用,建立坚实的为老服务的群众基础,培养和输送专业的为老服务队伍,建立工作人员的权利保障机制与构建全方位的人力资源体系,是促进养老机构中的人力资源建设的可行措施。 Human resources is one of the most important elements that guarantee the development of institutional care and service for the old people in China. Through an in - depth investigation of the related institutions in Nanjing,this study discovers the existing problems : insufficient number of personnel, uneven distribution of human resources, low professional quality of the staff, unsteady human resources. The causes include: insufficient funds from the government, prejudice on care and service for the old people, poor working conditions for the staff, lack of professional training. In the construction of human recourses in the institutions serving for the old people, the goverument should play the leading role by promoting service for the old people in the mass, training professionals, building protection mechanism for the rights of the personnel, and establishing overall human resources system. These are the viable countermeasures.
作者 孙唐水
出处 《南京邮电大学学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第3期61-65,共5页 Journal of Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications(Social Science Edition)
关键词 养老机构 人力资源问题 原因 对策 institutional care and service for the old people problems causes countermeasures
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